
The TcpConnection[n] directive can have one of two types of syntax, depending on the value of the ApplicationType directive. The optional [n] value can be a unique number in the range 1 through 9. If you do not specify the optional n group suffix, Jade treats the value as 1.

You can specify the host-name value as a host name or as an IP address. If you specify a host name, it must resolve to a single IP address. If you append the optional n value to the TcpConnection[n] directive, it indicates the group to which the specified host name port number range is assigned.

If the value of the ApplicationType directive is RestServices, WebEnabledForms, WebServices, or HtmlDocuments, the characteristics listed in the following table specify the TCP/IP connection details between the mod_ jadehttp module and the Jade Web application.

Characteristic Value
Action Specifies the TCP/IP connection to the Jade application

TcpConnection[n] host-name port [MinInUse [MaxInUse [CloseDelay [ConnectionGroup]]]]

For the WebEnabledForms application type, you must specify the MinInUse, MaxInUse, CloseDelay, and ConnectionGroup values.







Example 1

TcpConnection server1 6008

Example 2

TcpConnection2 51030 3 15 300

Example 3

TcpConnection3 51031 1 10 30 Forms

For details about the optional MinInUse, MaxInUse, CloseDelay, and ConnectionGroup values, see the following subsections.


The optional MinInUse value specifies the minimum number of connections that can be opened for the TcpConnection[n] directive when the value of the ApplicationType directive is set to RestServices, WebServices, or HtmlDocuments.

This value must be specified when the ApplicationType directive is set to WebEnabledForms.

The default minimum number of connections is 1.


The optional MaxInUse value specifies the maximum number of connections that can be opened for the TcpConnection[n] directive when the value of the ApplicationType directive is set to RestServices, WebServices, or HtmlDocuments.

This value must be specified when the ApplicationType directive is set to WebEnabledForms.

The default maximum number of connections is the value of MinInUse.

The MaxInUse value is forced to be equal to or greater than the MinInUse value.


When the current number of in-use connections for the TcpConnection[n] directive exceeds the MinInUse value, you can specify the optional CloseDelay value to indicates how many seconds before the extra connections are closed after they become inactive.

This value must be specified when the ApplicationType directive is set to WebEnabledForms.

The close delay defaults to zero (0) seconds before inactive connections are closed, indicating that the connection is never closed. The maximum value is 300 seconds.


The optional ConnectionGroup value specifies the name of the connection group associated with the TcpConnection[n] directive; that is, the unique name that is used by applications of type WebEnabledForms to identify the TCP/IP port to which a user request is to be sent.

Although there is no default connection group, you must specify a unique value when the value of the ApplicationType directive is set to WebEnabledForms.